Building Bikes, Empowering Children

Build your team while giving back to community

Build Your Team While Giving Back

Build your team while giving back through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). CSR team-building events are a great way for companies, large and small, to give back to community and deliver positive change. Fire Power Seminars’ Building Bikes, Empowering Children program takes place in the local community where your event is being held, working with non-profit organizations […]

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Guinness World Record Bike Build for Charity

Fire Power Seminars co-founders, Connie Phelan and Karen Pfeffer, are proud to have been a part of the Be Legendary team, for a Guinness World Record bike build for charity event in Denver, CO on April 26, 2017. This was a life changing event for 750 kids and the 4800 volunteers from DaVita Inc. during their

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New Year Action Items to be Awesome in 2017

Let 2017 be the year that resolutions become action items to be and feel awesome about yourself and your business! For most of us, the New Year is about assessing the challenges, results and successes of the past year to decide what to implement moving forward. The bottom line is always important; however, how we

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What We’ve Learned In The Past 10 Years {Part 2}

It’s Our Anniversary. What We’ve Learned in the past 10 Years. (continued) Reflecting on our past ten years in business has given us a clear and exciting direction for the future of Fire Power Seminars. We have experienced amazing growth, especially in the past few years. In the beginning, we were focused on our Empowerment

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What Limiting Beliefs Hold Your Company Back?

“The greatest obstacle to being heroic is the doubt whether one may not be going to prove oneself a fool; the truest heroism is to resist the doubt; and the profoundest wisdom, to know when it ought to be resisted, and when it be obeyed.”  ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne Limiting beliefs hold back employees from taking risks

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Why Your Organization Needs Team Building

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” ~ Henry Ford Smart companies know that corporate retreats and team building activities and seminars are critical for employee morale, productivity, and enhancement of group dynamics. Teams all have an ebb and flow; times of high creativity and occasional cycles of feeling stagnated. Offering

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Holiday Team Building Tips

As the holidays approach, so does the time of year when many companies focus on charitable giving unless they have implemented Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives as part of their annual plan. Many companies and small businesses spearhead collections for causes or organize volunteer time for employees. Some companies are even incorporating holiday team-building activities and events

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What Does Corporate Social Responsibility Mean from Fire Power Seminars Blog

What Does Corporate Social Responsibility Mean?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) definition: “A company’s sense of responsibility towards the community and environment (both ecological and social) in which it operates. Companies express this citizenship (1) through their waste and pollution reduction processes, (2) by contributing educational and social programs, and (3) by earning adequate returns on the employed resources.” from Business Dictionary More

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Giving Back While Your Team Grows

Team-building events need to be fresh, exciting, challenging and cause everyone to tap into that “feel good” moment. Now imagine an Empowerment Seminar and Team-Building event that is challenging, fun, exciting, has a few twists, and will leave everyone in tears (in a completely WONDERFUL way!). Building Bikes, Empowering Children is an offering from Fire

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