
How Does Board Breaking Work? Uniting and Strengthening Leaders & Teams

How Does Board Breaking Work? Uniting and Strengthening Leaders & Teams Utilizing transformative activities like board breaking to empower individuals and teams, Fire Power Seminars is known for its unique approach to personal and professional growth. Since 2006, Connie Phelan and Karen Pfeffer have been at the forefront of providing powerful programs on empowerment, team […]

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5 Reasons to Choose Fire Power Seminars for a Firewalking Experience

In a world where the ordinary often reigns, stepping out of your comfort zone is not just a phrase but a journey to self-discovery and empowerment. This is where Fire Power Seminars comes into play, offering an extraordinary experience – firewalking. But why should one consider firewalking, and more importantly, why with Fire Power Seminars?

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Why Firewalking

If you are reading this, most likely you are interested in discovering how a firewalk can provide a transformational experience. Or perhaps you’re just curious and wanting to know more.  Firewalking, a walk across a bed of red-hot embers, had been in existence globally across many cultures for many years, with the earliest known reference

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Communication Tips to Avoid Conflict by Karen Pfeffer

Communication Tips to Avoid Conflict

“We don’t see the things as they are, we see things as we are.” ~ Anais Nin Communicating effectively and clearly requires skill and understanding, knowing that everyone operates from their personal model of their world. The way we perceive things becomes our reality, and we communicate from that perspective. That is why we often

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Exciting “Inspired Courage” Book Release

Everybody has a story, and Fire Power Seminars’ founder, Connie Phelan, decided to write a book to share hers: Inspired Courage – Breaking Through Your Barriers to Success. Writing the Inspired Courage book was a new frontier in Connie’s work of inspirational speaking, and the most fear-inducing experience of her life. She proved Ralph Waldo

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5 Things the Clemson Tigers National Championship Win Teaches Us About Performance, Team and Attitude

Who was with us, on their feet, cheering like maniacs, at one of the most exciting final seconds in a College Football National Championship game, maybe ever? We applaud the staying power of the Crimson Tide who has carried off four championships in the past seven years, but the OMG moments were certainly from the

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Embodied Cognition’s Link to Empowerment Seminars

Just thinking something is not going to make it happen. Mind AND body, mental AND physical, need to be engaged for transformation to occur and this phenomenon is called embodied cognition. Fire Power Seminars has been harnessing the power of mind and body for empowerment and breakthrough events since the inception of our business, and recently

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Creating an Olympian Mindset – Go for the Gold!

The final medal count after the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio was the third most successful Olympic event in USA history and number one for an event held out of country. USA teams and competitors brought home 46 gold medals, 37 silver, and 38 bronze! Achieving this kind of success requires not only focused body

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What We’ve Learned In The Past 10 Years {Part 2}

It’s Our Anniversary. What We’ve Learned in the past 10 Years. (continued) Reflecting on our past ten years in business has given us a clear and exciting direction for the future of Fire Power Seminars. We have experienced amazing growth, especially in the past few years. In the beginning, we were focused on our Empowerment

What We’ve Learned In The Past 10 Years {Part 2} Read More »

What Limiting Beliefs Hold Your Company Back?

“The greatest obstacle to being heroic is the doubt whether one may not be going to prove oneself a fool; the truest heroism is to resist the doubt; and the profoundest wisdom, to know when it ought to be resisted, and when it be obeyed.”  ~ Nathaniel Hawthorne Limiting beliefs hold back employees from taking risks

What Limiting Beliefs Hold Your Company Back? Read More »

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