
Office Depot Foundation Women’s Symposium – Building Your Toolbox for Success in West Palm Beach

The Office Depot Foundation Women’s Symposium is being held at the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach February 26-27, 2016. We are delighted to share that Karen Pfeffer (co-founder of Fire Power Seminars) will be speaking and doing a board breaking demonstration. Talk about empowerment! The theme for the symposium this year is Building Your Toolbox […]

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Beat the Winter Blues – Ways to Empower Your Winter

As temperatures go down and days get shorter, many people experience the winter blues. For some, it is just a few days of “blah”, and for others, it can develop into Seasonal Affective Disorder. When motivation is low and cabin fever is pressing, we have a few ideas to beat the winter blues and stay

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10 Ways to Jump Start Self Care in the New Year

How do you define “taking care of yourself”? Create a new self-care practice today. Observe your comfort level when it comes to being good to yourself. Discomfort is a wise teacher. ~ Caroline Myss and Peter Occhiogrosso Self care is a phrase that has been tossed around quite casually throughout the internet and blogosphere. What does

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18 Ways to Embrace, Engage and Empower 2016 from Fire Power Seminars Blog

18 Ways to Embrace, Engage, and Empower in 2016

“Every morning, when we wake up, we have twenty-four brand new hours to live. What a precious gift! We have the capacity to live in a way that these twenty-four hours will bring peace, joy and happiness to ourselves and others.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh January is the “morning” of 2016 and is wide open with opportunities

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Setting Intentions Instead of Affirmations for the New Year

The practice of setting resolutions or affirmations for the New Year is an annual exercise for many. We list everything that we think needs to be changed, set affirmations that “should” change our minds, and absolutely believe, for example, that come January 1, kale smoothies really will taste better after a one hour workout. Unfortunately,

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How Board Breaking Empowers and Transforms

There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they are far less than the long-range risks and costs of comfortable inaction. — John F. Kennedy Fear and anger are debilitating and pervasive emotions. They can disrupt our lives and dreams, cause us to feel stagnant, and sometimes, even hopeless. Imagine them as suitcases,

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The Power of Positive Self Talk from Fire Power Seminars Blog - The Words you Speak from Hafiz

The Power of Positive Self-Talk

All of us have experienced the inner critic; the voice that whispers all the reasons that we can’t do something, be something. This voice has a memory like an elephant and when triggered, is delighted to run through a litany of all the times we have felt like a failure or insecure or afraid. The inner critic

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Positive Living - What You Focus on Expands from Fire Power Seminars Blog

Positive Living – What You Focus On Expands

The mind is everything. What you think you become. ~Buddha The idea of “what you focus on expands” taps into the concept of the universal law of attraction – “like attracts like”. This is an absolute for those who are practicing positive living. The ideas, energies, practices that we focus our time, energy, and brain

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The Power of Forgiveness

In the same way that gratitude is a practice that can change your life for the better, the practice of forgiveness has a powerful, positive impact. Forgiving others and even ourselves is hard. We hold onto the anger, the sadness, the victimization as symbols of our hurt or outrage. We may feel that forgiveness means

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