The holidays… ahhhhh, a time to relax and experience the goodness of the season! Or is it? Often, the holidays generate a mixed bag of emotions as one balances family and work, connecting more intensely with emotions and relationships… and possibly overindulgence with food and alcohol.
Getting through the holidays on a positive note can be challenging. Below are five steps you can take to help you maintain a positive state of mind during this time of year.
1. Decide how you want to feel through the holidays: All of us wish to feel good, especially during the holidays and the New Year. And yes, you get to decide how you want to feel, no matter what happens. What is the one word that describes the feeling you want… i.e.: Calm, confident, peaceful, content, loved, connected? (State it in the positive, in first person and in a present tense statement; e.g.: I feel calm; I am content; etc.)
2. What three things will you see in your life that will let you know you have the feeling you want? Example: I am calm through the holidays and New Year.
i) I breathe from my diaphragm easily and effortlessly, and take a deep breath before speaking.
ii) My shoulders are back and my chest is open.
iii) I am seated at the family dinner table with a smile on my face.
List your three things here:
3. What three things will you be saying to yourself (thoughts are energy and direct your focus; what you focus on expands)? Example: I am calm through the holidays and New Year.
i) My mind and body are calm and my breathing confirms this.
ii) I can handle anything that happens today.
iii) I choose to experience peace and love.
List the three things you will be saying to yourself here:
4. Is the above feeling maintainable and controllable by you?
___ Yes No___ (If yes, great; if no, change your statement)
5. Are there any adverse consequences to having your desired feeling?
___ Yes No___ (If yes, great; if no, change your statement)
The above 5 steps can be used not only for the holidays, but any time of the year. Experiment and have fun with it to achieve and maintain the desired feeling(s) you want to experience.
About Karen E. Pfeffer: Ms. Pfeffer, co-founder of Fire Power Seminars, is a breakthrough coach, facilitator and trainer, helping individuals gain clarity with their outcomes, breaking through limiting beliefs and unproductive habits. She is a F.I.R.E. Certified Fire Walk Instructor, Certified NLP Practitioner and PSYCH-K Facilitator. For more information about Karen and her breakthrough coaching: