“When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.” ~ The 14th Dalai Lama
Kindness doesn’t have to cost anything. In fact, some of the most wonderful things we can do is to offer a smile or a helping hand throughout our day. Kindness is contagious in the best ways possible – when you are kind to someone else, chances are that they will pass it on too!
We have some ideas for random acts of kindness, spread the good!
- Smile – never underestimate the positive impact of a smile at a stranger or a Good Morning/Good Afternoon!
- Pay it Forward – standing in line at the coffee shop? Pay for the next person’s coffee
- Be engaged – hold a door open, let someone go ahead of you in line
- Unload groceries – when you are at the grocery store, notice if an elderly person could use a hand putting groceries into their car
- Write a thank you note (or two) by hand
- Text or email some thank you notes
- Send a special message to someone telling them why you appreciate them
- Spend a day handing out sincere compliments – think of the boost to the other person!
- Give carepacks to the homeless – filled with bottles of water, mouthwash, protein bars
- Organize a community clean up day
- Donate blood
- Spend a day at an animal shelter walking the dogs and playing with the animals
- Drop off cookies or special treats at your local fire station
- Volunteer some time at a local soup kitchen or a charity that makes care packages for our troops
- Contact an old friend or acquaintance to catch up
- Do you know someone that doesn’t have family? Invite them to dinner, especially at the holidays
- Leave a big tip at your next restaurant visit
- Say Thank You as often as possible
- Share positive and uplifting stories on your social media
- Go through your closets and pull out items to donate
- Give HUGS
- Remember to be kind to yourself too!
Do you have any ideas for random acts of kindness? How have you been acted by a random act of kindness?