22 Random Acts of Kindness Fire Power Seminars Blog

22 Random Acts of Kindness

Dec 4th, 2015

22 Random Acts of Kindness Fire Power Seminars Blog

“When we feel love and kindness toward others, it not only makes others feel loved and cared for, but it helps us also to develop inner happiness and peace.” ~ The 14th Dalai Lama

Kindness doesn’t have to cost anything. In fact, some of the most wonderful things we can do is to offer a smile or a helping hand throughout our day. Kindness is contagious in the best ways possible – when you are kind to someone else, chances are that they will pass it on too!

We have some ideas for random acts of kindness, spread the good!

  1. Smile – never underestimate the positive impact of a smile at a stranger or a Good Morning/Good Afternoon!
  2. Pay it Forward – standing in line at the coffee shop? Pay for the next person’s coffee
  3. Be engaged – hold a door open, let someone go ahead of you in line
  4. Unload groceries – when you are at the grocery store, notice if an elderly person could use a hand putting groceries into their car
  5. Write a thank you note (or two) by hand
  6. Text or email some thank you notes
  7. Send a special message to someone telling them why you appreciate them
  8. Spend a day handing out sincere compliments – think of the boost to the other person!
  9. Give carepacks to the homeless – filled with bottles of water, mouthwash, protein bars
  10. Organize a community clean up day
  11. Donate blood
  12. Spend a day at an animal shelter walking the dogs and playing with the animals
  13. Drop off cookies or special treats at your local fire station
  14. Volunteer some time at a local soup kitchen or a charity that makes care packages for our troops
  15. Contact an old friend or acquaintance to catch up
  16. Do you know someone that doesn’t have family? Invite them to dinner, especially at the holidays
  17. Leave a big tip at your next restaurant visit
  18. Say Thank You as often as possible
  19. Share positive and uplifting stories on your social media
  20. Go through your closets and pull out items to donate
  21. Give HUGS
  22. Remember to be kind to yourself too!

Do you have any ideas for random acts of kindness? How have you been acted by a random act of kindness?

Karen Pfeffer
Karen is passionate about sharing powerful programs on communication, empowerment, team building and transformation. With a father from Kansas and a mother from Puerto Rico, Karen has a unique cultural mix that has inspired her to challenge stereotypes and “push the envelope” at every opportunity. She co-founded Fire Power Seminars with Connie Phelan in 2006 to empower individuals, organizations, and companies to achieve more than they ever thought possible.

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